Mold and mildew. Those pics were taken weeks ago before it got really bad. I have moldy guitar cases, keyboard and bass amp. I have thrown away toy baskets and laundry hampers. I have had an ailment in my chest for a week. I am moving the day after tomorrow to this lovely, new-to-me little mold free (Please!) little house

with wood floors

, enough bedrooms, and a fenced back yard for my children. No more apartment dwelling. Now, the moving part- didn't I just do this 3 1/2 months ago? Too tired and sick to do this, and I only have a few days to do all the packing, moving and cleaning for refund of deposit. The new space will be so lovely, though,
and get this. It is on the same street as one of my closest friends that I have loved dearly for 13 years! Perfect!
Wow, that worked out well! Is your apartment complex helping you pay for stuff? Did you check about mold in the house first?
Not much to clean, I hope. Conserve your energy. They are gonna have to gut the place anyways (or should). Many thoughts of healing and health coming your way!
Elise- The landlord is letting me out of my rental agreement and giving me five days rent free to move into the other place, so I won't have double rent. As far as helping me pay for stuff, no. I am completely wiped out and broke now, till Spring term (April). I saved a little money for gas, but that's it. Thankful for food stamps:) The new place has no history of mold and actually has a bit of a foundation, so I am hopeful.
Eve- Thank you for sending the healing. All of that support out there really lifts me up, I think.
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