I have been focused lately, on getting as many raw fruits and veggies as possible into my diet. Mind you, I'm not going completely raw or anything, but I am just trying for an increase. I'd love to be at least half raw, and eat mostly produce. I have sprouted off and on for years, and have always known it was a good thing, but all of a sudden it occurred to me in a new way, as if it was a totally novel thought, that my kitchen is never completely without produce. Even if I don't have fresh greens in the fridge on a particularly frugal week, I almost never am without my stockpile of bulk grains, beans, legumes, seeds, nuts, etc. Sooooooo, all I have to do to have veggies, is continually have one of those items soaking and sprouting. Wala. Live food for my body. I love sprouts, and so do my kids. At this current moment I am sprouting, quinoa, almonds, clover seeds, wheat berries and sunflower seeds. I just ate the last of the pea sprouts. Feeling so good.
Ani - I love eating raw organic veggies!! I will give you my fav green smoothie recipe to post. Love you. Your new sis, L.
Thanks Leslie- a fun surprise to see a comment from you on my blog, and so happy to hear from you. I'd love your green smoothie recipe. I make them all the time. I'll do a smoothie post!
Yum! You'll have to post something on how to sprout, too! I imagine/hope it's probably much easier than it seems to those of us who've never done it before.
What a gorgeous photo! Thanks for sharing your excitement for life. Three cheers for radiant body temples!
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