It is so lovely that my little darlin' is napping soundly while I learn how to blog! That is her on vacation in Georgia visiting my Dad last week, with mr. mystery man, i.e., her Papa hiding behind her face.
I am sorry to criticize an element, being the balance-seeking pagan that I am, but here it is. I hate the wind. I hate the headache that it gives me, and the cold it creates, and the trash that it blows into my yard, trying to hold onto myself while walking in it, and the way it feels in my ears. I appreciate, to the credit of wind though, the bang-up job that it does at spreading seeds and it's interplay with the ocean. So in all of my frustration with it, and wishing it would get out of my life on this Spring day that feels an awful lot like winter still here in Northern Colorado. I will still show respectful gratitude. Oh, and it's awfully nice in the Summer, except then I think it is rightfully called a breeze, not wind. So there you have it, I like small and subtle wind.
I have been looking into raising back yard chickens. I am currently overcome with interest in the subject and am quickly becoming determined to do it. I am trying to figure out how to get the materials to build a light weight, moveable, easily to clean and maintain, reasonably attractive coop on a shoestring budget. Free supplies would be best. I am so excited about this, that it is hard for me to wait long enough to do the proper research. I am trying to restrain myself so that I do it well. 'Tis the season, so I hear, and I really want those cute little chicks peeping in a box in my house until they are big enough to go outside and start laying delicious eggs (hopefully the pretty blueish green or speckled kind), eating my kitchen scraps and fertilizing my garden.
Speaking of kitchen scraps, another goal is to finish building the red worm bin that I started last summer. I have this great big wooden box with a hinged lid that my mystery man dragged out of a dumpster for me, but I want to insulate it so that the worms will be toasty during the next winter months and cool enough this summer. How can I do this? If anyone knows about this subject- what materials to use and how to attach them, I would be ever so grateful to know. Here are pics of it as it is now, so whoever is looking can help me brainstorm.

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