Friday, January 15, 2010

Where is my time?

On these nights when I need to finish a research paper for school before morning, and prepare for tomorrow's quiz, my children need me more than usual.  Tenar has poison oak on his hand and couldn't sleep.  He was in and out of bed past 10PM.  Galen was awake, giggling and cooing in hopes for Mama playtime until 10:45 PM.  Just 5 minutes later, when I had sat down to task once again, out comes Reya, "hi Mama", climbing into my lap.  Elliot read his book until after 11 PM, wanting to engage me periodically into conversation.  Morning will start for me at 7 AM, when I must clothe, feed, and drive children all over town.  I have hours of work ahead of me, and midnight soon approaches.  Okay, one more time, I will begin...


Unknown said...

We like this mantra in our family:
"Can do! Can do! Can do!" It's especially awesome when I hear Rain saying it to himself as he walks, stepping each foot laboriously across the room.

Wind said...

Ah yes, I know days like this...
Love you.