In the middle of rainy Autumn, she comes out with, "It looks like I'm getting a sunburn."
Sassy, she talks back to my directive, "Maaaybe, not".
She can scream like there is no tomorrow, but somehow tomorrow comes and she screams some more.
Her baby brother is playing, and she comments, "He is being foolish".
Today she told me, "You are not listening to me intentionally." That is the first time I have ever heard someone her age know how to use the words 'foolish' or 'intentionally', and now from her father she is actually picking up Japanese. Even I can't remember the words for hello and goodbye, but she calls them out to him as he comes and goes. Sounds something like-
"Kay talk ee moss".
After I pick the last tiny apple from our tree, she looks up at the tree and says, "Tree? May I have another apple please?" ...and then in a higher voice that signifies the voice of a tree, "No you may not, because I don't have any more apples up here."
She calls the anemones at the ocean tide pools, "Sea lemonies", and her vitamins are "vitayums". Avocados are "autocawtos", and her current favorite song is "Mama Rock Me".
Oh my, how I love this funny little girl. I may never, never figure out what makes her tick.
Oh, how this made me smile! (And the beautiful Mazzy Star song in the background just enhanced the joy.)
It is truly amazing what those little heads are full of! Her agemate at my house is all about telling us when something is "hideous" or pointing out compelling architectural features, particularly balconies.
Yesterday, in the car, he was saying, "Moo. I'm an angry cow!" And then, with appropriately different inflection, "Moo! I'm a happy cow!"
Ivy, would't it be fun if Rain and Reya could play together, now that they are older and so very smart! But I had to go and move a thousand miles away. Reya still thinks of him as a baby, because they were both little when she saw him last, and she doesn't get it that he grew up, too. She suggested out of the blue this morning that her too small shirt should go to Rain, since it doesn't fit her anymore. Wouldn't she be surprised if she saw him! She would love the word hideous if she heard it. I'm tempted to use it in front of her. And balconies are indeed impressive and worth commenting on. He has good taste!
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