Monday, August 18, 2008

hiking, friends and food

This day started out rough. I don't know what it is about some days, but today was one of them that just wouldn't flow. Everything I tried to communicate to Mystery Man got all mangled and misunderstood, and we couldn't get along. Everything I tried to do got messed up or interrupted. I got WAY too many phone calls in the middle of everything, like when I was naked in a towel, just out of the shower, holding a crying baby and trying to say something important to Mystery Man before he motored away in a truck with his brother, the phone rang about some in depth stuff, and when I was trying to pack a lunch to go on a picnic and friends were on the way to get me, more phone calls, and when I was trying to dress a crying baby, more phone calls, etc., etc .
I had a nice day with my friends Wind and Kristianne, and our herd of kids, though, hiking up the canyon, picnicking, and then eating at Ras-ka for dinner. Yum. I am not quite out of my frustrated mood, and am completely overwhelmed with responsibility right now, but at least I can say that I had a good chunk of great friends time in nature today. Again, as I have said so many times before, I couldn't do it without my sistas!

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