While we were hiking yesterday, we crossed some water (several times, actually), stepping over rocks. When I stepped on this one, I looked down and laughed aloud. Karuna, my friend Wind's 10 year old daughter, said, "it's a sandwich!" "oh my God, I said, it totally is." I didn't have my camera with me, so I had Kristianne take a picture of it and email it to me, so I could post it here. Can't you just picture a big, hairy forest monster that eats grass and leaves, acidentally dropping this half a sandwich in the water? It is cut the diagonal way, from corner to corner so it is triangular, of course. Yum, munch, munch, munch. The hungry monster is looking for his lunch.
Why am I blogging at 1:56 AM? Because I have been cleaning my house since 10:30 PM, and I'm sick and tired of it, but I can't officially stop for the night, because I have a mom of two kids (potential students) coming to meet me and view the Lilac Moon Playschool at 9 AM. I must have it looking clean and cute, since I am a detailed perfectionist who can't keep on top of her shit, to get things done before the last minute. Actually, I might be more efficient if I wasn't chasing a walking, 11 1/2 month old, mess machine all day. Not to complain, since she is one of the great joys of every second of my life.
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