I now live in a beautiful, wooded location in Eugene, Oregon's south hills. I got really lucky with a super-affordable duplex in a great area. This is my third residence in the short 9 months that I have been back in Oregon, and moving is a pain in my behind, for sure, but I have to say that each time I do it, life gets better. I am fine tuning the living arrangements with every adjustment. We are nowhere near unpacked yet, since this move came smack in the middle of Summer term in college, but I pulled it off, and now that school is done for the next month, I have time to organize and get settled. One of my favorite things about my new house is the view out of my living and dining room windows. We have mondo-sized grey squirrels, raccoon families and several dear that hang out just feet from my living space. In these pics from yesterday, a Mama doe and her two fawns have come up to socialize with my Henry duck, in his coop/yard area just outside of the window where I eat breakfast. So sweet.
How wonderful...squirrels, raccoons, and deer! I think raccoons are so cute, even though I've heard they aren't very nice if you approach them. I'm so happy for you that you have such a great view. :)
Hey mama friend! I didn't know you had a blog! I love it!
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