Anyone who has known us for any length of time, knows that my relationship is, how to put it?- Dynamic. This said, it has been a weekend of fire. I call it a weekend, but really I mean the two days that Mystery Man had off of work, which in this case were Sunday and Monday. Sunday was sparky fire- clashing, moodiness, just general moods colliding. It died down a bit mid-day, and ended with glowing coals that threatened to catch flame again easily. Monday started out mellow, but those coals were still glowing. Mid-day they flared and went nuts for a while. Somehow, we got ourselves out of the house, up the Poudre Canyon (my favorite place in this area) and on a hike at Grey Rock. We had a short, calm and wonderful hike, drove home in peace, and decided to grill out for dinner. Everyone had their "meat" of choice, which is quite a selection with the greatly varied dietary tastes and restrictions in our family. Son #1- strictly meatless, so he had a few veggie burgers. Son #2, big appetite, and anything that tastes like meat, so he had buffulo dogs, a veggie burger and a piece of salmon. Me- salmon. Mystery Man- many buffulo dogs,

followed by crackers, brie and a beer.

Baby- milk, milk, milk. We then built an actual fire in our backyard. MMMmm, warmth and relaxation. What a lovely end to a dramatic few days.
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