Yep, that's my boob. I am a proud lactivist. I like to think it is nursing that puts the rose in her sweet cheeks.

Geez, Dad. That flash was a little much- kind of killed the sleepy, fireside mood.

O.M.G. I can't believe another illness has found it's way into our home. When will it all end? My dear son #2 is coughing incessantly as I sit here and type this. He will not be going to school in the morning. There is no possible way that he is getting any kind of quality sleep with all of the hacking and moaning I hear coming from his bed. I deeply regret sending him to school and to tumbling class today, as I think he has gotten worse since this evening.

He stayed home Monday, read all day, and played labrynth in bed.
I thought he was better enough to go back. I was wrong.
Please, I beg for all family wellness, and for these present germs to attack no further.
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