It has continued to snow. No rain to fulfill my recent request, but a lot more snow. It does melt away right away though, which is nice, because then it doesn't get that dirty snow look that I dislike. I shouldn't complain. It is kind of cozy on a stay-home sick day, like today. I took a picture of it the day before yesterday out my back door when I woke up. It does look lovely in my back yard.

I am making wool diaper soakers for baby. I am so proud. It is the first time I have ever followed a crochet pattern. Prior to this, I was exclusively an intuitive stitcher (Increase a little here, decrease here, yes, that looks about right). I was suprisingly successful wiht that method, but it is so cool to be learning to read and follow patterns. It opens the possibilities further. Of course I didn't follow it completely. I can't help using my intuition to some degree with all that I do. The pattern that i used as a guide is here. Thank you to the lady who figured out how to do it, and posted it for my use!

"I am a model, you know what I mean, and I spend all my time on the cat walk" (or however that song goes)

She is destined to be an underwear model, don't ya think?
Anyway, this here, first diaper soaker of mine (actually the second, since the first was less perfect and too small, so I gave it to a pregnant friend) actually works. I have tried a bazillion kinds over her 7 month existence and most leak or the snaps rip out, or the velcro gets messed up, or if they were any good, she has grown out of them by now. So far this one is awesome, and I can't wait to make more out of even better wool that has more lanolin content for wet-proofness. I found some called Fisherman's wool by Lion brand that will be perfect.

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