It is hard for me to write this letter to you, because I feel such great responsibility toward your children and so honored to be able to care for them. It is my sincere desire for them to have a positive experience of consistent, relationship-based preschool. I am sad and sorry to tell you that I will be closing the Lilac Moon PreSchool at the end of April for a temporary, but unknown and extended period of time. I feel that this is necessary so that I may be completely dedicated to my baby daughter. I had high hopes when I began teaching again in December, that [baby] would grow accustomed to the routine of sharing her mother with older playmates a few times each week. While she cries less than she used to, it is still more than I like, and I feel a nagging sense that she needs for me to be more sensitive to her and available for her, with less divided attention. She is often very unhappy during preschool time, and her napping and feeding routines become very disturbed. In all of my effort to provide children with predictable, healthy and safe daily and weekly rhythms and rituals, I have not been respecting my own child's needs by allowing her to follow her natural rhythms. Being disconnected in this way from [baby] by my effort to be professional, make ends meet financially, and put my heart and soul into the quality of my student's care has caused me stress and motherly guilt. After much discussion with [Mystery Man], and weeks of mulling over how to balance my responsibilities to preschool families with my responsibilities to my own children, I have come to this decision. With some material sacrifices, we have calculated that we will be able to make do without my income for a while. I urge all of you to find other preschool programs that are more ready for your precious children at this time. Although I do not know when [baby] and I will be ready again, I suspect that it will be closer to her 2'nd birthday, when she will be more able to participate as a preschool student herself. She will then be able to interact with the other children as peers. Again, I am so sorry for all of the disruption that this may cause in you and your children's lives. I thank you deeply for your friendship and for trusting me and enrolling your children with me.

They come with a pair of soap nut earrings that I really like, too, as an added bonus.
As I have mentioned in a prior post, I think, my garden last year seemed to be slow to take off. Some starts took so long, that they were just getting to a transplantable size around the time that it was turning to Autumn. I brought the bell pepper starts indoors to my sunny, utility room window, and was thrilled that they lived all winter. They got infested with white fly, and I researched how to get rid of them. All Internet sources said it's impossible without chemicals, but I didn't believe them. I tried strong, natural detergent from a Fort Collins local company called Queen of the Meadow(I use it in a spray bottle for kitchen table and counter top cleaning), and they are vacating! I have to reapply it often, but it seems to be working. And now----Ta-Da!

Baby's got teeth!
Tooth #1 showed up during 6AM screaming while in Georgia about three weeks ago. After much discomfort, mournful crying and inability to nap worth a darn both yesterday and the day before, we have a second tooth.

I am not sure how well it can be seen in photos, since it is just barely out of the gums, but it is there.
The other day she took a bite out of a piece of plum, right through the skin and everything. Amazing.
1 comment:
I love you so much, Ani. Thanks for keeping a blog. Maybe someday i will as well.
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