Saturday was amazing! The weather was warm and beautiful, and the kids and I spent most of the day outside. I worked on some seed starts in little pots, then, we planted some sweet peas and kohlrabi seeds in the garden, dug walking paths and did some mulching. We dumpster dove next door where our neighbor's house is being redone. The kids climbed into the huge (I mean monstrous-taking up the entire driveway) dumpster and lowered stuff down to me. I had been eyeing the wood for a while, as I am collecting free supplies as I find them, to eventually build a chicken coop. As they dug deeper, they found unopened packages of peat pots, ceramic plant pots, mason jars (excellent for storing bulk foods) and a nice bucket. While we were outside, baby sat up on her own for the first time and stayed up, balancing for at least a minute!
This is so exciting!
What a different world for her now, to be able to sit and not always lay. I am excited, because I think she will be much more content with this new skill.
Son number one made dinner- sesame noodles with ginger which went perfectly with some peanut satay sauce that I had made and frozen a few weeks ago. I made more leftover won tons as a side dish. The boys lit candles and we had such a delicious dinner with laughter galore.
After dinner son number one tried out baby's new highchair which we got from a freecycler (thank you!) (I love freecycling)
and amazingly fit into it. The wooden chair we had for baby is very beautiful though uncomfortable, so we have given into plastic and metal with a leatherette seat. She loves it, and sits happily. She makes a new sound now. It sounds something like pththbb--- and comes with spitting. It is funny.

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