Sunday, November 22, 2009

Are you listening openly, really? Think again. (questioning myself)

Sometimes I am so foolishly sure that I know what I think about everything.  I also continue on with this idea that I am listening to others, and that I am considering their thoughts and ideas with an open mind and heart.  The trouble is, I think this, even while forgetting to open them (the rusted shut mind and heart).  I just keep thinking, " I'm so open minded", and "I'm a pretty good listener", while I forget to actively be those things.  Instead, I lock myself up, thinking about what I am sure that I KNOW.  I default to auto-listen and filter all information through my little soap box position.  Often I am wrong when I assume things about others, but it takes me a really long time to realize that what seem like very foreign philosophies are uncannily more similar to my own than I could have imagined.  Then I feel bad.  I feel bad for not listening with my whole self, for being too stuck, for being a know-it-all, for separating "me" and "you", or "us" and "them".  It is really good when someone points out in a very kind way, what a jerk I'm being, and that it would help if I'd listen and stop talking.  I get defensive and it causes a temporarily faltering in my ego (as well as a noisy and emotional debate).  I have to think, "maybe I don't look or sound so admirable", and "what if someone thinks I'm doing a terrible job at the things that I am trying to do best in life".  Then I start listening, reconsidering, learning, and remembering my humility.  Thank goodness.

There's the forest. 

I frequently miss it through all those trees.


Andi said...

Humility and willingness to accept what is, what you are, what others are as neither negative nor positive.

and What happened? What got you thinking?

Jenn said...

I love you, Ani. <3

Unknown said...

I'm just sending you and your babies love. I have complete faith in you. I am listening (reading) to your words here.

Ani said...

Andi- Nothing happened per say, except for a surprising and emotionally charged conversation with a good friend. We worked through it, but I noticed how closed I am on certain issues. I am pretty deep into my attachment parenting/gentle discipline/Waldorf Education/purity lifestyle, and when other ideas come up, I am way too eager to prove my point. Not good. I also forget sometimes, how it is to be around others who have a strong, Christian standpoint. This describes most of my family and childhood friends, as it is my history, as well. I am quite surrounded right now, and feel many emotions: out-of-place, alone in my philosophies, afraid of their judgement, resistant to evangelism and conversion efforts, a desire to find common ground and just have a good time together, a need for acceptance and understanding, and above all, an intense loneliness for others who share my ways to spend time with. I'm in Eugene, for Goddess sake- where are all you pagan mamas and papas with cloth diapers, bikes and carts, organic food and songs to sing? Please come out so I can find you!

Ani said...

Thanks for your love and faith, Ivy. Thanks also for reading, and letting me know that you are here for me. I appreciate your listening eyes as you "hear" me. I do try to be as good as I can in this life.