Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder where you are?
I remember my daughter, Luca Seaghul Glaser-Flynn, with love, fondness, sadness and gratitude, today on the anniversary of her death day, 12 years ago...Remembering her sweet, delicate fingers grazing my bosom as she suckled...Remembering her tiny face...Remembering the feeling of deepest love and deepest loss.

Mother of life, Mother of death,
Here is spirit so new,
That the gates of life and death are just an archway in her dancing ground.
She has danced her way back to you.


Andi said...

Thinking of your daughter and you a mama living with the grief of that loss. I love you.

Ani said...

I love you, too...and it is getting easier over the years. Your empathy is sweet to my heart.